In this lab, we will program on NIC driver to control packet receive and transmit process. Because the lab has a detailed description of how to do the lab, I’ll just put on our code and explain some key points in the lab.
int e1000_transmit(struct mbuf *m) { // // Your code here. // // the mbuf contains an ethernet frame; program it into // the TX descriptor ring so that the e1000 sends it. Stash // a pointer so that it can be freed after sending. // acquire(&e1000_lock); int txport = regs[E1000_TDT]; if(tx_ring[txport].status != E1000_TXD_STAT_DD){ printf("haven't found a packet\n"); release(&e1000_lock); return-1; } if(tx_mbufs[txport]){ mbuffree(tx_mbufs[txport]); } tx_mbufs[txport] = m; tx_ring[txport].addr = (uint64)m->head; tx_ring[txport].length = m->len; tx_ring[txport].cmd = E1000_TXD_CMD_EOP | E1000_TXD_CMD_RS;
To transmit packet to remote Host, we need IP address and ARP protocol to translate IP address into eth address. ARP header is nested included in ethernet packet.
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structarp { uint16 hrd; // format of hardware address uint16 pro; // format of protocol address uint8 hln; // length of hardware address uint8 pln; // length of protocol address uint16 op; // operation
// an IP packet header (comes after an Ethernet header). structip { uint8 ip_vhl; // version << 4 | header length >> 2 uint8 ip_tos; // type of service uint16 ip_len; // total length uint16 ip_id; // identification uint16 ip_off; // fragment offset field uint8 ip_ttl; // time to live uint8 ip_p; // protocol uint16 ip_sum; // checksum uint32 ip_src, ip_dst; };
// a UDP packet header (comes after an IP header). structudp { uint16 sport; // source port uint16 dport; // destination port uint16 ulen; // length, including udp header, not including IP header uint16 sum; // checksum };
Kernel Network Stack
![image-20220130150540694](Lab11 NIC/Lab11-2.png)
Each layer will stripe out and check the header according to the its own protocol from mbuf ‘s cached packet to achieve nesting.
MAC chip
![image-20220130151743600](Lab11 NIC/lab11-3.png)
DMA could directly visit memory without interact with CPU, DMA Engine controls PCI bus to transmit between memory and FIFO data buffer.
Transmit steps:
CPU put IP packet into memory and ask DMA Engine to do DMA transmit into FIFO buffer. Then MAC chip splits IP packet into Data frame whose size in range[64KB, 1518KB]. Each frame includes Target MACSource MACProtocol typeCRC checksum.